TEMPSETRES - same as setres but the change is not saved.
SUPPORTEDRESOLUTION - return 1 if this mode is supported (all parameters are required).
SETRES xx - changes the resolution (w = windowed f = fullscreen) for example: 800圆00x32f.
GETCURRENTRES - return the current resolution.
GETCURRENTRENDERDEVICE - returns the current render device.
GETCURRENTCOLORDEPTH - return color depth.
GAMMA - works the same as BRIGHTNESS, only affects the gamma level.
CONTRAST - works the same as BRIGHTNESS, only affects the contrast level.
If no parameters are passed, brightness is set to 0.5 Takes a parameter value for setting the brightness or can take a parameter of '+' to increase it.
BRIGHTNESS - modifies the screen brightness.
XBOXMEM - toggles on/off XBox memory statistics display.
STAT - is used in conjunction with the following parameters to toggle on/off statistic displaying.
RESETPROFILE - resets internal stat counter variables (ticks, calls, and cycles).
REPORT - prints a little report about the current game.
VFHASH - lists how many hashes are in each object's VfHash table.
REFS - takes two parameters which identify a class and name of an object, then displays all objects that reference it.
REFMAP - show a reference map for the given class.
MARKCHECK - displays a list of objects that aren't marked.
MARK - tells the engine to iterate through all objects and set their marked flag.
PACKAGE= - the string value is the name of the package to list objects which have an outer of.
INSIDE= - the string value is the name of the package to look in for objects.
CLASS= - the string value is the class of object to find.
The following parameters can be given in any combination
LIST - displays a list of objects of a class, from a package, or inside a package.
LINKERS - iterates through GObjLoaders and displays info about their linkers.
HASH - displays a count of how many objects have hashes.
GARBAGE - forces a garbage collection sweep.
DUMP - Dump all variable values for the specified object, supports specifying categories to hide or show (hide=movement,collision).
DEPENDENCIES - displays a list of dpendencies upon a specific package as passed by a string parameter.
CLASSES - displays a list of all loaded classes.
OBJ - is used in conjunction with the following parameters.
NAMECOUNT - return the number of registered names.
MEMSTAT - displays memory usage information.
MEM - displays allocated memory information.
FLUSH - tells the engine to flush all engine caches.
DUMPNATIVES - displays all native functions.
DUMPCACHE - displays objects in cache and their cache attribute.
DIR - displays all used directories and files.
RECURSE - tells the engine to simulate a runaway recursion or loop.
GPF - tells the engine to simulate a general protection fault.
EATMEM - tells the engine to simulate eating up all available system memory.
CRASH - tells the engine to simulate a fatal crash.
DEBUG - is used to simulate various errors with the following parameters identifying which.
CONFIGHASH - displays configuration information.
START - similar to OPEN, difference is it does a TRAVEL_Absolute instead of TRAVEL_Partial.
SERVERTRAVEL - travels the client to the server by the name/address of the string that comes immediately after.
RECONNECT - reconnects the client to the current game/server.
OPEN - tells the engine to open a map by the name of the string that comes immediately after.
EXIT - tells the engine to shutdown and close the application.
DISCONNECT - disconnects the client from the current game/server.
CANCEL - tells the engine to cancel an in progress connection attempt.
The following is a list of engine supported console commands Lists of commands can also be stored in text files in the system directory and executed by typing "exec filename " at the console. They can do various things from resetting the engine to setting particular actor's variables. Console commands may be executed from within the game, from within the editor, or if the game has been started using the -server switch, from the server's console. To use console commands, bring up the console and type them in.